He got the best photo of one of the new heaters.
I love this shot! I totally missed seeing it!
Not everyone gets to take a picture of Mrs. Teague, especially wearing a hat!
This next set of photos is from Amber. She was toting a pretty heavy camera, I should have worked with her a little more on holding it still for a few minutes. Next time out I'll pay more attention.
This is a view from the sixth grade floor. It is looking towards the 3rd and 4th grade wing.
Neat little blue wire that caught her eye.
The top to an electric box (I think).
These next few photos are from Andrew.
One of the stairways leading up to the 6th grade floor. Nice that the kids got to see where they'll be next year.
Andrew took a great abstract photo of the framework. I really like this one!
More framework in one of the rooms.
Andrew shot a silhouette - I think he has a creative streak in him!
The gym, they were painting this day.
Brendan's photos.
The upstair's classrooms will have exposed beams.
The kids love the fact there is an elevator!
One of the classrooms with it's nice new wallboard up.
The 3rd and 4th grade wing.
Emily's photos
A shot looking towards the F/C
A shot of the library looking down from one of the two bridges. You can see the matching bridge in the distance.
I'm not sure where Emily was when she shot this photo. It looks like she's shooting up, maybe on the stairs?
A drill just hanging out.
Livvie, this girl has an eye for detail!
The kids heading up to the 6th grade floor.
A future bathroom.
The library shot from downstairs.
I'm not exactly sure where this was taken, I want to say the gym but I'm not sure.
One of the painters hamming it up for the kids. He told them to, "Stay in school!"
So glad she got this shot!
Matt and his photos.
The elevator
Some insulation
I'm not sure where this was. I like the colors and lines though.
A nice shot as we head to the entry.
The windows of the library.
The library from above.
The site between the 3rd & 4th wing and the 5th & 6th wing.
Nice shot of the corridor.
And a great capture of the gym ceiling. He got some details none of us thought of.
This is part of the gym. What nice light coming in!
This should have probably gone first but my name comes last in ABC order. This is getting ready for our trip. We put our lunches in Paul's car and he gave everyone their hardhats.
Here are the kids ready to go!
This is the entryway where drop offs will come in.
One of the rectangular rooms in the 6th grade wing.
This will be a small workroom between the two rectangular rooms. I'm rather interested in this since I will be sharing this type of space in the 4th grade wing next year.
This guy has to have a story to tell!
One of the gym painters.
Wrapping it up for the day. Thanks Paul! We had a terrific tour!